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Thursday, November 11, 2010

Stalker Lidar Device found unreliable in the State of New Jersey

On November 9, 2010, the New Jersey Appellate Division in State v. John Green found that Stalker Lidar Device used by law enforcement to measure a motorist speed has not been established to be accurate or reliable. The consequence of the Court's decision is that Municipal Courts through-out the State may not use the Stalker Lidar's reading of a motorists speed as proof of speed!!! In other words, if a police officer issues a New Jersey motorist a speeding ticket based on the speed measuring device known as Stalker Lidar then the Municipal Court presiding over the speeding ticket must dismiss the speeding charge!


  1. what about if they used an LTI Ultralite LRB to catch you speeding?
    I know the LTI marksman 20-20 does, but what about another model that LTI carries?

  2. I'm John Green and most likely this window will close on June 2, 2011 unless I decide to put on a case. The hearing on June 2, 2011 is decide if the Stalker Lidar is reliable.

    There was a hearing before Judge Mulvihill in Superior Court on Feb 7 2011 and Judge Mulvihill ruled that the technical working of the insides of the Lidar is off grounds, so that leaves me out and that we will not go into the training of the officers that use it. Judge Mulvihill also rules that the State didn’t have to make available a Stalker Lidar for me to inspect.
